Hobart Private Hospital recently announced its intention to stop offering maternity services from 20 August 2025. Read more .

Ensuring patient safety: The importance of 'Time Out' at Hobart Private Hospital

At Hobart Private, patient safety is our number one priority every day. However, today, on World Patient Safety Day, we want to share some key steps that we take to ensure that our team is always right on task before surgery. One of the most crucial procedures we undertake is called Time Out. This process plays a vital role in safeguarding our patients by ensuring we have the right patients in the correct operating theatre and preparing them for their intended procedure.

Understanding the 'Time Out' procedure

Time Out is a brief but critical pause taken by the surgical team just before the first incision is made. This process, originally championed by the World Health Organisation through its Safe Surgery Checklist, is designed to prevent catastrophic errors such as wrong-site surgeries or incorrect procedures. During this pause, the surgical team verifies essential details: the patient's identity, the specific procedure being performed, the surgical site, and other critical factors such as necessary equipment and any particular concerns related to the patient.

At Hobart Private, we take this process seriously because we understand that even a minor lapse in focus can have significant consequences. Our team is trained to ensure that every member actively participates in Time Out, ensuring nothing is overlooked. This collective vigilance helps us maintain the highest standards of patient safety.

Why 'Time Out' is essential

The operating room is a complex environment where multiple team members, technology, and procedures converge. While this complexity is necessary for providing advanced care, it also increases the risk of errors. The Time Out process is a safeguard against these risks. By confirming all critical information before surgery begins, Time Out reduces the chance of mistakes that could impact patient outcomes, such as performing surgery on the wrong body part or administering the incorrect procedure.

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, compliance can sometimes be a challenge. Research has shown that sometimes, Time Outs are not performed correctly due to time pressures, a lack of awareness, or insufficient emphasis on the procedure's importance.

That's why at Hobart Private, we continuously educate our staff on the significance of Time Out and encourage a culture where patient safety is always the top priority.

Our commitment to patient safety

At Hobart Private, we believe that patient safety is everyone's responsibility. Time Out is only as effective as the effort we invest in it. That's why we take pride in ensuring that our patients receive the best possible care by being fully present during Time Out and actively checking off every item on the verification list.

We understand that maintaining high compliance with the Time Out procedure is crucial. To support this, we have implemented an audit process to regularly review and assess the effectiveness of Time Out in our operating rooms. This spontaneous audit process allows us to identify any areas for improvement and reinforce the procedure's importance across our team.

On this World Patient Safety Day, we reaffirm our commitment to the safety of every patient who comes through our doors. We urge all staff to continue prioritising Time Out to ensure that every surgery we perform is as safe and successful as possible.

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