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August marks National Immunisation Awareness month, a time dedicated to highlighting the critical role vaccines play in safeguarding the health of individuals and communities. Australia's immunisation program is a resounding success story in public health, virtually eradicating many serious diseases that once caused widespread suffering and death. At the Hobart Private, we're proud to contribute to this legacy by ensuring the highest safety standards for our staff and patients through our robust vaccination policies.

Immunisation is one of the simplest and most effective ways to protect against serious diseases. The National Immunisation Program (NIP) in Australia provides free vaccines to eligible individuals, aiming to increase immunisation rates and reduce the prevalence of vaccine-preventable diseases. Diseases such as measles, rubella, and diphtheria, which were once common, are now rare thanks to Australia's high vaccination coverage. This success is not only a testament to the effectiveness of vaccines but also to the crucial role of healthcare providers and the public in maintaining high immunisation rates.


Healthscope, and the Hobart Private as leading providers of healthcare services, recognises the importance of immunisation in protecting both our patients and our staff. We have implemented a comprehensive vaccination policy that aligns with national guidelines and goes beyond to ensure that our workplaces are as safe as possible. Our policy is based on rigorous risk assessments and includes measures such as offering on-site vaccinations, providing flexibility for staff to attend vaccination appointments, and enforcing vaccination requirements for those working within our facilities. This approach is a clear reflection of our unwavering commitment to the health and safety of everyone in our care.



During National Immunisation Awareness Month, we encourage everyone to take a moment to understand the importance of vaccines and stay updated with their immunisation schedules. Vaccines protect the individual receiving them and contribute to the broader community's health by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. This is particularly important for protecting vulnerable populations who may not be able to receive vaccines themselves due to medical conditions.

Healthscope's vaccination policy is just one part of our broader infection prevention strategy, which includes a range of measures designed to minimise the risk of disease transmission within our facilities. We understand that vaccination is not a standalone solution, but it is a critical component of a multi-layered approach to ensuring the safety of our patients and staff.




As we observe National Immunisation Awareness Month, let's celebrate our progress in controlling vaccine-preventable diseases and recommit to maintaining high vaccination rates. Together, we can continue to protect our communities and ensure a healthier future for all.

For more immunisation information and to stay informed about the latest vaccine recommendations, we encourage you to speak with your healthcare provider or visit the Australian Government's health website. Your health and those around you depend on staying protected through vaccination.



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